It's way too early in the morning to be thinking, but here goes.
I've been fighting what they call "imposter syndrome" a lot lately. Sales have been slow, and reviews are even slower. Finding both the time and the motivation to write has been difficult as of late, but I am plugging away slowly. I need to get better at eliminating distractions.
Book Three is complicated at best. Not only must I advance the story, but I must ensure that I wrap up any unanswered questions while doing so. This makes it a much more ambitious project than I first thought it would be. I'm not giving up, however.
Those who know me also know that writing is not my only hobby. I also make and sell jewelry and home decor pieces at local pop-up markets. Now that things are back to normal, I'm very busy with these markets. They allow me to showcase my books and potentially generate in-person sales and/or interest. These markets keep me very busy during the Spring, Summer and Fall.
(If you are curious about my crafts, you can find the information here:
I'm currently rebuilding my presence on TikTok (@author_dv_wood). There were so many fake accounts following the first account that I made that I disabled it out of frustration. It led to a LOT of scammers messaging me on all my social media platforms. I even disabled my Instagram account for a while because of it (@dv_wood). My Facebook page, thankfully, remained virtually unaffected ( @AuthorDVWood).
As an author, I want to connect with book lovers and be available to answer questions from those considering my books. I'm a social person, so I like chatting with people in general. It is disheartening that 99% of those who message me aren't really interested in genuine chatting, let alone my writing.
My next challenge is learning more about marketing to develop a better strategy to promote my books. I truly SUCK at promoting myself. Not my favourite thing in the world but necessary.
I have also arranged to get some professional photos/headshots done once the weather warms up, which probably means a website overhaul once they come in. I'd be open to suggestions on what people want to see.