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No Time Left To Lose - Book One


"Valeria decided to observe him just a little bit closer towards the end of the conversation. She noted he didn't fidget very much, but that he did shift his weight fairly regularly. He had an intensely focused look about him whenever she was answering a question. He kept his hands relaxed and neatly folded on his lap. The other thing she noted was that he never once made himself a coffee. Zane seemed intently focused on learning about her past, where she grew up, and what her family was like. Answering those questions seemed to provoke the most intensity from him. Hobbies, interests, and current events almost seemed to bore him." #newbook #booklovers #newfantasyseries #thenotimefantasyseries #selfpublishedauthor #canadianauthor #newbookseries #newbooktoread #kindle #kobo #availableonamazon #barnesandnoble #applebookstore

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